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This handsome is half year old today. Check his update written by mommy. Among major accomplishments are he's on solid diet, recognize familiar faces around him and know how to play his favorite toy. Way to go boy.

Kimi's update:
  • Kimi love to turn-around-pusingt-pusing-terbalik all the time. It now harder to keep this boy still especially when mommy want to breast feed him
  • Kimi started to recognized people around him, he'll cry for mommy if he knows that mommy is around but not picking him up

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About Ach

Ach is going to be a Pop! A first-timer and never been a dad before. All he knows, he got Ajan pregnant, and don't know what to do. There is a long way to go, and a lot for him to learn! Conception?... check! Pregnant?... check! Baby?... check!...What else for him?
